World Champion Pizza Maker – Dave Sommers



Mad Mushroom Pizzeria


Dave Sommers – World Champion Pizza Maker

Dave Sommers is the owner of two Mad Mushroom Pizzerias in Lafayette and West Lafayette, Indiana.  He competed in all the acrobatic categories and even holds the records for fastest pie maker and fastest box folder. He even competed in the culinary competitions at the International level in Parma, Italy.


Goodtaste under Dave Sommers supervision cutting pizza.

We could hardly contain our enthusiasm when he agreed to share his experiences with our listeners.



Welcoming Caricature at Mad Mushroom Pizzeria

I was absolutely amazed when I discovered that a World Champion was almost in my back yard at the Mad Mushroom Pizzeria in West Lafayette, Indiana.  So it didn’t take us long to contact him.


Exterior View of Mad Mushroom Pizzeria in West Lafayette, IN

Mad Mushroom Pizzeria is located adjacent the West Lafayette Indiana Purdue University  Campus where 40,000 students and avid pizza eaters reside. So the hours on Thurs thru Saturday are from 10:00AM to 3:30AM.  Some students are up late night studying or partying and they have to have their pizza now!
