South American Avocado Hummus



About the Recipe: The red pepper relish swirled in the creamy avocado adds a sweet savory flavor to this popular hummus.  It’s delicious served with your favorite vegetable sticks, crackers, or snack crisps.

Cook’s Note:  I usually like to add ground chipotle red pepper, Braswell’s Sweet/Savory Pepper Relish, and serve it with Simply Naked Pita Chips. You can also use the reserved chickpea liquid for aquafaba. (see March 2018 program) Avocado hummus might discolor a little if saving it for the next day. Cover it with plastic wrap by placing directly against the hummus to seal off the air.

To Serve:  Place hummus in serving bowl. Spoon sweet/savory red pepper relish over hummus as desired; swirl lightly into hummus; sprinkle with coarse chopped cilantro leaves. Serve with pita chips or veggie sticks.

Serves: 4 to 6

pdf for Copy of Recipe – South American Avocado Hummus
