Dec 2014 – Food Dispensing Scoopers



Food Scoopers

Food Dispensing Scoopers


Welcome to our PRODUCT SHOUT-OUT –             Invest in a Cookie Scooper

Did you ever wonder how people make all those beautiful cookies that are perfectly shaped and all the right sizes?  The secret is out – it’s having the right size cookie scooper.  Just a squeeze of the handle produces consistently round cookies that are all the same size and therefore bake evenly.  Gone are the days of some larger ones not baking while the smaller ones became rock hard.

I found that prices range from $13.00 to as high as $20.00.  What’s the difference? The higher price models come in a variety of colors making it easy to find the right size and use stainless steel scoops with handles that fit one’s hands with ease.  Besides that, they all do the same job, make cookie making a breeze.

What do other customers say about their purchased scoopers?  Comments on product web sites say, “it’s easier than the two spoon method,”  “it’s easy to use and clean,”  “it makes cookie making less messy,” “having arthritis in my hands…the scoop feels and works really well.”

“That sounds too good to be true,” you might say, and you are right. Yes, there is something you need to be aware of.  Scoop sizes vary from one brand to another.  You need to be aware of what size you use often.  Some small sizes are for 2 teaspoons capacity, medium is 1-1/2 Tablespoons; large 3 Tablespoons.  Looking at another brand – the smallest size had a 1 Tablespoon capacity or 4 teaspoons and the next size capacity was 1-3/4 Tablespoons.   Customer comments mentioned that the size ordered was too large for the size of cookies she baked.  So…Shop smart and know the capacity you want to use.

For the cookies that I made for this site, I used a scooper about 2-3/4 capacity.  If I wanted a level tablespoon for my cookie, I just placed a larger amount of filling in it, which rounded the top of the scooper.

In any case, a scooper does make it easier and more fun to bake lots of cookies.