Sugar Sprinkled Spritz Cookies



So easy to make with a cookie press

About the Recipe:  This is one of the easiest recipes to make. You can use any disc shape, but we like to use the snowflake shape because it makes smaller cookies.  Of course, that’s wonderful since there are more cookies for sugar sprinkling. The recipe is one of our favorite Christmas cookies.

Fill Cookie Press: Place snowflake shaped disc into cookie press; insert part of the dough inside the cookie press.

Shape Cookies: Press out snowflake shaped cookies; sprinkle cookies with colored sugar.

Bake Cookies: Bake cookies in preheated 375-degree F oven for 6 to 8 minutes or light brown edges.  Remove to cooling rack after 5 minutes.

Yield will depend on the cookie size

pdf for Copy of Recipe -Sugar Sprinkled Spritz Cookies
