Crispy Crusted Polenta Squares



About the Recipe:  Serve crispy polenta squares topped with a small salad of carrot curls, capers, and microgreens, lightly tossed with fresh lime dressing. The warm polenta and chilled greens are a delightful contrast of textures and flavors. Serve as a starter or side dish.

Recipe Inspired by: Food & Wine Magazine for appetizer April 2013.

Cook’s Note:  When frying polenta, slightly tip polenta rectangle before sliding spatula under to avoid loosening crumbs when tipping or removing from pan.

Cut the polenta into 8 portions. Place a dot of mayonnaise in the center of each square, top with the curled carrots, capers, and microgreens. Serve with remaining lime vinaigrette on the side if desired.

Yield: 8 polenta squares

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Crispy Crusted Polenta Squares
