Persimmon Country Cookies



About the Recipe: Persimmons have a delicate flavor like a cantaloupe with hints of honey or squash. The pulp from the fruit paired well with the warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves in our cookies. We didn’t flatten the cookies, so they are plump and moist, filled with crunchy walnuts and sweet dried cranberries. This is a wonderful holiday cookie filled with sweet and mild spiced flavor.

Cook’s Note:  In the recipe, you can add raisins or dates in place of cranberries, and add nutmeg and cloves in place of pumpkin pie spice. Lemon juice/zest could also be used instead of the orange fruit. Our Fuyu fruit while not as astringent as the unripe Hachiyas does have tannins so we placed them in a warm place to ripen for about a week. It does, however, take some time to remove the seeds and ripen the naturally sweet pulp of the persimmons.

Directions to Make Persimmon Pulp:
Equipment: food processor, strainer, food mill, sharp knife, several bowls

Ripe Persimmons – the amount depends on the sizes of your fruit, we used about 17 to 20 small fruits. They were very ripe. Unripe wild persimmons may have a very dry mouth feel. It took about a week for our fruit to become fully ripe and very soft.


  1. Wash persimmons thoroughly. Fuyu Persimmons are usually the type used for pulp.
  2. Cut persimmons in half and remove/discard the stem, seeds, and any bad spots on the fruit
  3. Place pulp with skin in food processor.
  4. Add about 1/2 cup water to help process the fruit.
  5. Pulse and process the persimmons until they form a pulp consistency and are completely broken down.
  6. Place strainer over a bowl; pour blended persimmons into the strainer to remove any missed seeds.
  7. Place strained pulp into a food mill to process until very smooth. If you do not have a food mill, press as much liquid as possible from the pulp with a spatula or spoon until you have a thick pulp.
  8. Store the pulp in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week or in the freezer for up to six months.

For More Information See

Prepare the Orange Glaze:  In a medium sized bowl, stir together sifted confectioners’ sugar, orange juice and optional orange zest until desired glazing consistency.

Use a fork to drizzle the glaze over the cookies.

Yield:  about 36 cookies

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Persimmon Country Cookies
