Mom Unser’s Legendary Chili



About the Recipe:  Mary Unser started this tradition by cooking 10 gallons of chili right in the pit during the first year. Over time, it grew to 50 to 75 gallons of chili at each race, and crew members, drivers, and team owners eagerly lined up for a cup of chili served with fresh tortillas on what became known as “Chili Day” at the track.

Note: The recipe was also printed in Best of the Best from the Midwest Cookbook.
Al Unser Sr. said, “We were always really proud of what our mother was doing.”

For More Information See:

Cook’s Note:  I used the following ingredients for the pictured recipe.

I pork tenderloin, silver skin removed, 1 Tablespoon avocado oil, 1 large onion, chopped,   1 large garlic clove, minced, 1 (28 oz.) can Italian whole tomatoes, 3 roasted Poblano chilies, 2 teaspoons oregano, 1 teaspoon salt.

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Mom Unser’s Legendary Chili
