Raceway Parfait Shooters



About the Recipes:

  • Those mini dessert shooters are a fun and innovative way to serve your favorite desserts. They can be prepared in many different flavors and textures, ranging from velvety smooth to chunky thick. With their small size and wide range of flavors and textures, your guests have a go-to choice and can even try to sample several different goodies.
  • Treat them to light, refreshing lemon curd mousse with fluffy whipped cream. Mix rum into creamy rice pudding to create layers of tropical flavors, or for those chocolate lovers, mix up multi-chocolate tiers with creamy whipped cream, topped with colorful sprinkles. Don’t forget to make a parfait with smooth white chocolate swirled with springtime sweet strawberries
  • Look our choices over and then change them to your liking. These mini desserts are a perfect way to enjoy the classic flavors in a stylish presentation.

Basic Recipes – Use to Make Your Own Flavor Combinations

Rich Chocolate Pudding: (Basic Recipe) –

White Chocolate Pudding (Basic Recipe)

Double Milk Rice Pudding (Basic Recipe)

Thick ‘n Chunky Tropical Rice Pudding Parfaits

Fluffy Angel Soft Lemon Curd Shooters

pdf for Complete Recipe – Raceway Parfait Shooters 
