Chef Cyndie Story
The Chefs Move to Schools program was part of this comprehensive initiative and encourages chefs to partner with interested schools in their communities to encourage the creation of healthy meals that would meet the schools’ dietary guidelines and budgets and teach young people about nutrition and making healthy choices. Chefs are admired by our young people since they are recognized on television as celebrities and can make good nutrition fun and appealing
With that thought in mind, let me introduce you to Chef Cyndie Story, RD, who worked with programs nationwide to train school nutrition employees at the kitchen level as a certified chef, registered dietitian, and has a Doctorate degree in Food and Lodging Management as well as 20 years experience in school foodservice. She works as an independent consultant and trainer providing hands-on and demonstration-style quantity food production, food safety consultations and even video productions.
She educates school foodservice professionals throughout the U.S. to go the extra mile in preparing and serving healthier options for children.
Let’s take a look at some of the healthy and easy-to-make school recipes suggested by Chef Cyndie.
True Greek Salad
About the Recipe: Fresh tomatoes, crunchy cucumbers, red onion bits, crisp sweet peppers, savory black olives, and country parsley combine to create this fresh and light Greek Salad. Tossed with fresh lemon dressing, it adds a delightful Mediterranean touch to your dinner.
Recipes from Sizzling School Lunches
Indiana cooks with Chef Cyndie
Created by Indiana Department of Education
Office of School and Community Nutrition, September, 2013
Hint: Serve on a bed of lettuce topped with Greek-inspired ingredients and a fresh lemon dressing.
pdf for Copy of Recipe – True Greek Salad