Blue Cornmeal Pudding Cake




Blue Cornmeal Pudding Cake

About the Recipe: A dense corn cake is topped with a sweet blueberry honey topping and garnished with lots of fresh blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and walnuts.  Native Americans didn’t have desserts served after dinner but enjoyed fresh berries, fruit, and nuts with the rest of the meal.

Inspired by:  Kokopelli’s Cook Book Authentic Recipes of the Southwest by James & Carol Cunkle
Native Americans of the Southwest raised dozens of varieties of corn.  Blue corn varies from lighter blue to very dark purple.  Researchers believe that blue corn has more nutritional value than other varieties.

Cook’s Note:  Serve this recipe warm.  I topped our dessert with yogurt but whipped cream could be substituted.  Since the color is purple blue, it is best served the first day. An authentic Native American recipe would not use refined sugar or butter.  Usually, honey and oil would be substituted.

What is Amaranth Flour?
It is a gluten free flour that is 100% stone ground.  It is especially high in the amino acid lysine, which is lacking in many grains.

Lysine is an essential amino acid, which means that our bodies need it and depend on it, but can’t produce it naturally.  It is suggested that it helps treating cold sores, reducing anxiety, preventing herpes, relieving shingles, and helps bones, skin, and hair.  For More Information  See:

URL Link for Copy of Recipe – Blue Cornmeal Pudding Cake
