Baked Meatballs with Crisp Cabbage Combo



Add Mushrooms for More Nutrients and Antioxidants

About the Recipe:  Beef meatballs and its comforting companion cabbage, are teamed together in a hearty comfort dish that is frequently served in Eastern Europe. The crisp cabbage, in place of heavy cooked cabbage, is tossed with fresh lemon and kale, adding a fresh twist to the flavorful tomato gravy.

To Serve: Tomato gravy on serving plate; mount meatballs over gravy; spoon some of the gravy over meatballs. Arrange the Cabbage Combo on the side of the serving platter.  Serve warm.

Serving suggestion: Toasted Artisan bread slices with soft goat cheese

pdf for Copy of Recipe -Baked Meatballs with Crisp Cabbage Combo
