Chicago Botanic Garden – Glencoe, Illinois




Chicago Botanic Garden Visitor Center – Main Entrance

There are times in our lives that we long to just stroll in a peaceful place, drink-in the beauty and tranquility of nature, and feel free to explore the wonders of the prairies and scents of blooming flowers.  And the best part is that all of this is Free, just waiting for you at Chicago Botanic Garden.

Their detailed website will help you plan your visit, find out what’s blooming, and locate the latest activities. Parking and a tram service is available for a fee.  We found that most of the gardens were just a short walk and provisions were made for anyone handicapped.

Link to Chicago Botanic Garden Website


Chicago Botanic Garden Main walkway


Butterflies and Blooms Exhibit and Buttefly Enclosure


Once each month, a Sunday is selected to highlight a fruit or vegetable. August 7th was “Pepper Sunday”


An Education Display of a Multitude of Peppers as part of “Pepper Sunday”


Display Table Encourages “Do It Yourself Salsa”


A Display Table demonstrating Canning of Various Peppers


Regenstein Fruit and Vegetable Garden with Raspberries Growing on Trellises


Raspberries growing at Chicago Botanic Garden Regenstein Fruits & Vegetable Garden


Visitor Center as viewed across lake from Regenstein Fruit and Vegetable Garden


Regenstein Fruit and Vegetable Garden Exhibit – Note: Corn in Picture is very tall and presumably extreme care can produce this bountiful height


Main Flower Garden Outside of Visitor Center


Spectacular Trimmed Tree Line near Rose Gardens


Tramride provides view of Dixon Prairie at south end of property


Regenstein Learning Center (under construction) with planned opening for September 10th & 11th of 2016


Japanese Gardens as viewed from main island area


Waterfall adds to the beauty of Chicago Botanic Garden and provides a natural enhancement to the gardens


Interview about Chicago Botanic Garden


Interview with Julie McCaffrey and Kristin Webber- Experts on Chicago Botanic Garden

JULIE McCAFFREY, the Media Relations Manager at Chicago Botanic Garden, enthusiastically welcomed us and escorted us to the Vegetable and Fruit Garden, where we met….

KRISTIE WEBBER, the director of interpretive programs at Chicago Botanic Garden, who oversees programs for visitors—including the Garden Chef Series, Butterflies & Blooms exhibition, and World Environment Day.

They sat down and shared some of their experiences working here

Link to August 21st Interview via Podcast
