Herbs can play an important role in a landscape since they are colorful, provide flowers, and best of all, are useful when preparing various foods.
They add interest, intensity, and complex layers in simple dishes.
Sherre Phillips, Past President of Herb Society of Nashville, demonstrated how to select Culinary Herbs for the Landscape with a variety of herb gardening tips and recipes.
After the demonstration, we talked to Sherre Phillips and asked her about what kind of herbs to use in a small garden.

For More Information See: http://www.herbsocietynashville.org/

Sherre Phillips lecturing audience on how to use Herbs within your home landscape plans.

Picture of well manicured landscaping with herbs added for distinctive touches.

Sherre Phillips discussing her favorite herbs and how she uses them from her own home garden.

Lecture at Nashville Home and Garden Show discusses how to plan an attractive home garden using herbs as accents.