The Nashville Lawn and Garden Show provided information about how the changing times are creating changing home gardens.
Todd Breyer, a national award-winning registered landscape architect and garden designer presented a light-hearted look at the best, easy-care, and most beautiful edible landscape plants that can easily be incorporated into any home garden. You won’t believe how beautiful these gardens are! The best part is that they provide nutritious fresh produce too!


Todd Breyer lecturing the audience at the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show at the Nashville Fairgrounds on March 2nd and 3rd.

English garden incorporating vegetables to provide produce during the summer months and yet provide a pleasant aesthetic

Ipad Tom and Gloria Goodtaste at the entrance to the Nashville Lawn and Garden show. This is being held for over 30 years.

Picture of a well manicured formal garden incorporating edibles in the landscaping

Depending on climate and soil conditions grapes may be incorporated into your gardening plans.

Trees can easily provide a wonderful colorful experience to your property but must selected properly selected for the growing region and soil conditions.

Walnut trees can provide an abundance of sees both for the owner and for natures friends who will be attracted to the property.

There are many tomato plants that can thrive in many locations and provide an abundance of fruit when they mature.

A display garden at the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show demonstrates the selection of color and plants that can provide a wonderful setting.