Farm to Table Food at the Farm at Prophetstown –


The Farm at Prophetstown

Main Entrance to the Farm at Prophetsstown

Sears House Reproduction of the farmhouse at the Farm at Prophetstown

Sears Catalogue with the Original Model of the Reproduction at the Farm at Prophetstown

Chef Lauren Reed and Gloria Goodtaste at the Farm at Prophetstown

3 of the 80 chickens that walk the property at the Farm at Prophetstown

Hay that has been cut to dry in the sun prior to baling for animal feed

Pork Chops and Zuchinni Strips being Grilled by Chef Lauren

Goodtaste & Chef Lauren enjoying the afternoon sun while Grilling the Pork Chops

Chef Lauren Checking to see if the Porkchops are Ready for Eating
pdf for Copy of Recipe – Herb Grilled Pork Chops & Grilled Zucchini

Chef Lauren’s Masterpiece Pork Chop Ready for Tasting on antique dinnerware

One of the Farm at Prophetstown’s Monthly Dinners Photo Courtesy of Farm at Prophetstown

Chef Lauren Holding a Chicken while Demonstrating her Love of Animals

Chef Lauren leading Bo a Minature Pony from the Barn

Chef Lauren with friends at an Indianapolis Colts Tailgate
pdf for Copy of Recipe – Herb Grilled Pork Chops & Grilled Zucchini