French Pork Chops with Sweet Relish



This Chop has a Built-in-Handle

About the Recipe: These pork chops are easy to prepare and add a simple creamy mustard sauce that’s flavored with sweet pickles or relish.
For an elegant touch, prepare the pork chops using a French cut.

For More about preparing French Pork Chops See:

Written Information about creating French cut pork chops:
Cut the meat and fat away from all sides of the rib bone.Then use the back of a knife to scrape the bone until its clean. This pushes back any stubborn connective tissue.

Pound chops to create even thickness or thinner chops as desired:
Sprinkle the inside of a plastic bag with water to keep the meat from sticking.
Place one chop at a time in the bag and pound to the desired even thickness.

To cover chops with a crust:
Coat cops in flour, egg, then purchased or homemade bread crumbs.
Fry chops in hot oil a large skillet. Cook in two batches if needed.

pdf for Copy of Recipe – French Pork Chops with Sweet Relish
