Fresh Salad Pie with a Crouton Crust



About the Recipe:  This salad looks high-styled, but it’s easy to make. The crouton pie crust and marinated salad ingredients can be made ahead. Then just layer everything together right before serving. The juicy tomato wedges taste so fresh and make it a five-star salad.

Cook’s Note: To prepare the tomatoes: Wash tomatoes; remove stem; cut in half; then with a serrated knife, cut into wedges. Marinated artichoke hearts from a jar will make a zestier salad ingredient to use for this salad.  The recipe lightly seasons the salad ingredients, but you can make it as spicy as you enjoy. Don’t forget to include your favorite veggies or fruit.

Layer Ingredients to Serve:
Spread kale over pie crust bottom edge. Place baby spring greens in the center portion of bottom crust.  Arrange tomato wedges around outside edge, overlapping slightly. With slotted spoon, place mixed salad into center of pie pan. Before serving drizzle some remaining salad dressing from bowl over tomatoes.  Sprinkle with parsley and sunflower seeds as desired. Slice into pie wedges with serrated knife.

Serves: 6

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Fresh Salad Pie with a Crouton Crust
