Pan-Roasted Romanesco



Pan-Roasted Romanesco

About the Recipe:  Sliced steaks of Romanesco are seared and roasted with a caramelized flavor.  Serve them with some plain yogurt or Stracciatella cheese, sprinkled with olive oil, lemon juice, honey, and a touch of ground pepper.  It’s like a touch of Italy on your table.

Recipe inspired by¨ Chef C.J. Jacobson

For more information see:

Cook’s Note:  I added a large basil leaf, some grape tomatoes, and a lemon slice as garnish to each plate.  I also made some plates using a small handful of freshly made Stracciatella cheese in place of the yogurt.  It was delicious and full of creamy flavor.

pdf for Copy of Recipe – Pan-Roasted Romanesco
