Lily Leedom, CEO and founder of SalterieOne/Duxbury Saltworks, is shown standing in front of their location in Duxbury Massachusetts.
Duxbury Beach has a rich history in salt making going back to Colonial times when fish that were caught in the area and were preserved with salt for shipment to England. And Duxbury Beach was called Salter’s Beach during that time period.
Lily Leedom is pictured filling a 5 gallon bucket with sea water in Duxbury Bay. Sea water contains about 3.47% of salt by weight which is a relatively small amount of salt from each bucket of sea water. Duxbury Bay contains very clean water because of the rocky shoreline and large amount of Oysters that filter the sea water continuously.
Once the 5 gallon bucket are filled, they are taken back to begin the salt making process. Each bucket filled with approximately 4 gallons of sea water would weigh about 32 pounds. Although the sea water harvesters are smiling, I am sure carrying the buckets back to their car is not a fun filled task.
This picture shows Lily making Flaked Artisan Sea Salt in the evaporation tanks at SalterieOne/formerly Duxbury Saltworks.
Once, the sea salt is fully evaporated, it is dried before packaging. As you can see this is closely monitored process and result in a highly purified and uniform product.
This picture shows the light airy texture of the flaked SalterieOne/formerly Duxbury sea salt produced by the SalterieOne/formerly Duxbury Saltworks.
Finally, the SalterieOne/formerly Duxbury Sea Salt is packaged for shipping to chefs, home cooks and artisan across the country.
This picture shows commercial quantities of SalterieOne/formerly Duxbury Sea Salt ready for shipping to their final destination.
SalterieOne/formerly Duxbury Sea Salt on display in a gift store in the Duxbury area.